


In a quiet residential area, four domestic robots suddenly decide to take their masters hostage in their own home. Locked together, a not-quite-so-blended family, an intrusive neighbor and her enterprising sex-robot are now forced to put up with each other in an increasingly hysterical atmosphere! While, outside, the Yonyx, the latest generation of androids, are trying to take over. As the threat draws closer, the humans look elsewhere, get jealous, and rip into each other under the bewildered eyes of their indoor robots. Maybe it's the robots who've got a soul -- or not! 在一个宁静的社区中,四个家用机器人突然决定把他们的主人挟持在自己家中。一个相处不太融洽的家庭,一个爱打听的邻居,她的性爱机器人,现在被锁在一起,被迫忍受彼此,气氛越来越歇斯底里!而在屋外,最新一代机器人 Yonyx 正试图占领世界。随着威胁越来越近,人类看向别处,心生嫉妒,在家用机器人迷惑的目光下互相撕咬。也许机器人才是有灵魂的?也可能不是!


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